

Pages and Posts

A page is a page of information that is not categorized by date and time, category, or tag. (You are reading a page right now.) Conversely, a post is a content item that is categorized by date/time, and may be further categorized or tagged. Posts also appear in feeds, while pages do not. As they are both based on text content, many aspects of writing are the same between them.

Writing Content

The “Pages” and “Posts” menu items display a list of the current items of that type. Each list page is limited to 25 items; if there are more, there will be “Older” and “Newer” links at the bottom of each page that allow you to move to the next page. Posts are sorted by publishing date, with unpublished drafts at the top; pages are sorted by title. Both lists have an “Add” button at the top and “Edit” links below the titles.

Once you are editing a post or a page:

A permalink should not start with a slash, as one will be prepended when the blog base is, and must not use any characters that do no belong in a URL. A good permalink derives from the title; contains no spaces; and, for posts, may also contain date components. As an example, a post called “Jerry & Elaine” published in May 2022 could have the permalink 2022/05/jerry-and-elaine.html. The .html extension is not required; you can use whatever extension you would like, or none at all. URLs are checked for trailing slashes, whether present or missing, and if the URL is only off by this trailing slash, the browser will be redirected to the right one. (ex. yadda-yadda-yadda/ and yadda-yadda-yadda will serve the same content).

One of the most frustrating things on the Internet is clicking a link, only to receive a 404 Not Found error. The term “permalink” is a portmanteau of “permanent link,” which implies that these links should be… well, permanent. myWebLog does its best to help with this. Whenever the Permalink field is changed, the previous value will be saved as a “prior permalink,” and if a request is made for the old one, myWebLog will redirect the browser to the new one. Say, for example, we had mistyped our permalink above as jerry-adn-elaine.html; if we corrected the spelling, it will be fixed moving forward, and requests for the misspelled version will be redirected.

Extending that example - if we caught our mistake before the post was published, we do not need to maintain a permalink; it was a “working” permalink that was never publicly visible. There is a link below the Permalink field entitled “Manage Permalinks”; clicking this link will show the permalinks for the page or post. Within this page, you can remove any prior permalinks, and you can also add other permalinks. (myWebLog also has an option to import prior permalinks for existing content; that process is described in the Advanced Usage section.)

Page and Post Text

myWebLog supports text written in HTML and Markdown. (For the present time, you must enter the “source” version of these formats; WYSIWYG editors are a planned future feature.) This can be toggled at any time, so if you change your mind about a page or post, you can change it; and, if you write something in Markdown but forget to click the button, it's easy to go back in and switch it. (No, the person writing this has never done that - why do you ask?)

As you are writing, you may wish to link to other content within your blog. These links should be formatted with a single leading / and should be specified relative to your blog, even if it is not being served from the domain root. myWebLog will look for these links, and will render them with any directory information; when generating an RSS feed, these links are replaced with complete absolute links. Links that start with http (including https) are not translated, so linking to external content is not affected.


Whenever you change the text of a page or post, myWebLog will add it as the current revision, and save the prior revision. This enables you to restore a prior version if you desire. Underneath the Permalink field, there is a link entitled “Manage Revisions”; this page shows you all of the revisions of the page within the database. To see what one was, click the “Preview” link, and a preview of that version will be loaded below that line. If that is the revision you want to restore, click “Restore as Current”; it will become the current revision as of the current date/time.

This page also allows you to prune revisions, as they can take up space in your database. Each revision (apart from the current one) has a “Delete” link that will delete the revision without prompting. There is also a button at the top of the page that allows you to delete all prior revisions, but it will prompt you to be sure that is what you intended to do. (Note that the backups myWebLog creates only save the most recent revision, so keeping revisions will not cause backups to grow.)

Podcast Episodes

If the post is a podcast episode, clicking the switch or label for “Podcast Episode” will display fields for all the possible information you can enter about that episode. Do not be overwhelmed, though; only 2 of them are required (plus 1 “strongly recommended”).

While those three fields will get the job done, there are several other fields available.

Episode Chapters

When the chapter selection “Defined Here” is chosen, there will be a link just below the permalink field that says “Manage Chapters”. This link lists the current chapters, and allows you to define others. Each chapter consists of:

A few other notes on chapters:


In some cases, “page list” or categories/tags may not be sufficient for the information you wish to display. Both posts and pages support arbitrary metadata; this metadata can be accessed from theme templates. Both the name and value are free-form text; how you use that is dependent on your needs. (Liquid uses lower_snake_case for its properties; using this for the name can help avoid errors between your metadata and the template rendering it.)

Uploaded Content

If you want to upload pictures or other content to include in your posts and pages, you can do that via the “Uploads” menu item.

Where Files Are Stored

There are two different options where myWebLog can store files - either on disk or in the database. On the web log settings page, you can specify the default destination for files, but you can change that selection each time you upload a file. There are some considerations as to which destination will fit your needs better.

However you store them, there is an upper limit to the size of a file that can be uploaded. If you are running myWebLog directly, its limit is 30 MB; if you are running it behind a reverse proxy server, it may enforce smaller limits. Also, both database and disk files are served from the path upload/[blog-slug]/[year]/[month]. For example, if we uploaded haha.jpg to our “A Blog about Nothing” on June 18th, 2021, the path would be upload/a-blog-about-nothing/2021/06/haha.jpg.

Uploading a File

Click the “Upload a New File” button. You will then have a field where you can select the file, and a selection for the destination. When you submit the form, the file will be uploaded, and you will see the list of files, with the one you just uploaded near* the top. (*sorting may be off for files on disk, as we cannot reliably get their last modified time.)

Getting the File's URL

From the file list, there are either two or three selections after “Copy”, just below the name of the file. Absolute is a link that will work wherever you put it; it can be used to link to that file from outside the site. Relative is a link that is relative to your server; if your server is running at the root of the domain, this is the link you will want to put in a post or page. If your server is running in a directory, there will be a third option For Post; this will be the link to use for the post, while Relative will allow you to link to the file from another directory on the server.

Deleting Files

From the file list, there is a “Delete” link. Click that link, confirm that is what you want to do, and the file will be deleted. The deletion will work the same no matter where the file is stored.