
Advanced Usage: Related Documents / Custom Queries

NOTE: This page is longer than the ideal documentation page. Understanding how to assemble custom queries requires understanding how data is stored, and the list of ways to retrieve information can be… a lot. The hope is that one reading will serve as education, and the lists of options will serve as reference lists that will assist you in crafting your queries.


Document stores generally have fewer relationships than traditional relational databases, particularly those that arise when data is structured in Third Normal Form; related collections are stored in the document, and ever-increasing surrogate keys (a la sequences and such) do not play well with distributed data. Unless all data is stored in a single document, though, there will still be a natural relation between documents.

Thinking back to our earlier examples, we did not store the collection of rooms in each hotel's document; each room is its own document and contains the ID of the hotel as one of its properties.

class Hotel
    string $id = '';
    // ... more properties

class Room
    string $id = '';
    string $hotelId = '';
    // ... more properties

Document Table SQL in Depth

The library creates tables with a data column of type JSONB (PostgreSQL) or TEXT (SQLite), with a unique index on the configured ID name that serves as the primary key (for these examples, we'll assume it's the default id). The indexes created by the library all apply to the data column. The by-ID query for a hotel would be…

SELECT data FROM hotel WHERE data->>'id' = :id

...with the ID passed as the :id parameter.

Using a Query “building block” function Query::whereById will create the data->>'id' = :id criteria using the configured ID name.

Finding all the rooms for a hotel, using our indexes we created earlier, could use a field comparison query…

SELECT data FROM room WHERE data->>'hotelId' = :field

...with :field being “abc123”; PostgreSQL could also use a JSON containment query…

SELECT data FROM room WHERE data @> :criteria

...with something like ['hotelId' => 'abc123'] (serialized to JSON) passed as the matching document in the :criteria parameter.

So far, so good; but, if we're looking up a room, we do not want to have to make 2 queries just to also be able to display the hotel's name. The WHERE clause on the first query above uses the expression data->>'id'; this extracts a field from a JSON column as TEXT in PostgreSQL (or “best guess” in SQLite, but usually text). Since this is the value our unique index indexes, and we are using a relational database, we can write an efficient JOIN between these two tables.

SELECT r.data, h.data AS hotel_data
  FROM room r
       INNER JOIN hotel h ON h.data->>'id' = r.data->>'hotelId'
 WHERE r.data->>'id' = :id

(This syntax would work without the unique index; for PostgreSQL, it would default to using the GIN index (Full or Optimized), if it exists, but it wouldn't be quite as efficient as a zero-or-one unique index lookup. For SQLite, this would result in a full table scan. Both PostgreSQL and SQLite also support a -> operator, which extracts the field as a JSON value instead of its text.)

Using Building Blocks

Most of the data access methods in both libraries are built up from query fragments and reusable functions; these are exposed for use in building custom queries.


For every method or function described in Basic Usage, the Query static class or Query namespace contains the query for that operation.

In the Query class, you'll find:

Within the PDODocument\Query namespace, there are classes for each operation:

That's a lot of reading! Some examples a bit below will help this make sense.


The Parameters class contains functions that turn values into parameters.

In the event that no parameters are needed, pass an empty array ([]) in its place.

Mapping Results

The PDODocument\Mapper namespace has an interface definition (Mapper) and several implementations of it. All mappers declare a single method, map(), which takes an associative array representing a database row and transforms it to its desired state.

We will see below how a simple custom mapper can extend or replace any of these.

Putting It All Together

The Custom class has five functions:

Every other call in the library is written in terms of Custom::list, Custom::scalar, or Custom::nonQuery; your custom queries will use the same path the provided ones do!

Let's jump in with an example. When we query for a room, let's say that we also want to retrieve its hotel information as well. We saw the query above, but here is how we can implement it using a custom query.

use PDODocument\{Configuration, Custom, Parameters, Query};
use PDODocument\Mapper\{DocumentMapper, Mapper};
// ...
// return type is Option<[Room, Hotel]>
$data = Custom::single(
    "SELECT r.data AS room_data, h.data AS hotel_data
       FROM room r
            INNER JOIN hotel h ON h.data->>'" . Configuration::$idField . "' = r.data->>'hotelId'
      WHERE r." . Query::whereById(),
    new class implements Mapper {
        public function map(array $result): array {
            return [
                (new DocumentMapper(Room::class, 'room_data'))->map($result),
                (new DocumentMapper(Hotel::class, 'hotel_data'))->map($result)
if ($data->isSome()) {
    [$room, $hotel] = $data->get();
    // do stuff with the room and hotel data

This query uses Configuration::idField and Query::whereById to use the configured ID field. Creating custom queries using these building blocks allows us to utilize the configured value without hard-coding it throughout our custom queries. If the configuration changes, these queries will pick up the new field name seamlessly.

This also demonstrates a custom Mapper, which we can define inline as an anonymous class. It uses two different DocumentMapper instances to map each type, while both documents were retrieved with one query. Of course, though this example retrieved the entire document, we do not have to retrieve everything. If we only care about the name of the associated hotel, we could amend the query to retrieve only that information.

use PDODocument\{Configuration, Custom, Parameters, Query};
use PDODocument\Mapper\{DocumentMapper, Mapper};
// ...
// return type is Option<[Room, string]>
$data = Custom::single(
    "SELECT r.data, h.data->>'name' AS hotel_name
       FROM room r
            INNER JOIN hotel h ON h.data->>'" . Configuration::$idField . "' = r.data->>'hotelId'
      WHERE r." . Query::whereById(),
    new class implements Mapper {
        public function map(array $result): array {
            return [
                (new DocumentMapper(Room::class, 'room_data'))->map($result),
if ($data->isSome()) {
    [$room, $hotelName] = $data->get();
    // do stuff with the room and hotel name

These queries are amazingly efficient, using 2 unique index lookups to return this data. Even though we do not have a foreign key between these two tables, simply being in a relational database allows us to retrieve this related data.

Going Even Further

Updating Data in Place

One drawback to document databases is the inability to update values in place; however, with a bit of creativity, we can do a lot more than we initially think. For a single field, SQLite has a json_set function that takes an existing JSON field, a field name, and a value to which it should be set. This allows us to do single-field updates in the database. If we wanted to raise our rates 10% for every room, we could use this query:

-- SQLite
UPDATE room SET data = json_set(data, 'rate', data->>'rate' * 1.1)

If we get any more complex, though, Common Table Expressions (CTEs) can help us. Perhaps we decided that we only wanted to raise the rates for hotels in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, and we wanted to exclude any brand with the word “Value” in its name. A CTE lets us select the source data we need to craft the update, then use that in the UPDATE's clauses.

-- SQLite
WITH to_update AS
    (SELECT r.data->>'id' AS room_id, r.data->>'rate' AS current_rate, r.data AS room_data
       FROM room r
            INNER JOIN hotel h ON h.data->>'id' = r.data->>'hotelId'
      WHERE h.data ->> 'City' IN ('New York', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles')
        AND LOWER(h.data->>'name') NOT LIKE '%value%')
   SET data = json_set(to_update.room_data, 'rate', to_update.current_rate * 1.1)
 WHERE room->>'id' = to_update.room_id

Both PostgreSQL and SQLite provide JSON patching, where multiple fields (or entire structures) can be changed at once. Let's revisit our rate increase; if we are making the rate more than $500, we'll apply a status of “Premium” to the room. If it is less than that, it should keep its same value.

First up, PostgreSQL:

-- PostgreSQL
WITH to_update AS
    (SELECT r.data->>'id' AS room_id, (r.data->>'rate')::decimal AS rate, r.data->>'status' AS status
       FROM room r
            INNER JOIN hotel h ON h.data->>'id' = r.data->>'hotelId'
      WHERE h.data->>'city' IN ('New York', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles')
        AND LOWER(h.data->>'name') NOT LIKE '%value%')
   SET data = data ||
                ('{"rate":' || to_update.rate * 1.1 || '","status":"'
                  || CASE WHEN to_update.rate * 1.1 > 500 THEN 'Premium' ELSE to_update.status END
                  || '"}')
 WHERE room->>'id' = to_update.room_id

In SQLite:

-- SQLite
WITH to_update AS
    (SELECT r.data->>'id' AS room_id, r.data->>'rate' AS rate, r.data->>'status' AS status
       FROM room r
            INNER JOIN hotel h ON h.data->>'id' = r.data->>'hotelId'
      WHERE h.data->>'city' IN ('New York', 'Chicago', 'Los Angeles')
        AND LOWER(h.data->>'name') NOT LIKE '%value%')
   SET data = json_patch(data, json(
                '{"rate":' || to_update.rate * 1.1 || '","status":"'
                  || CASE WHEN to_update.rate * 1.1 > 500 THEN 'Premium' ELSE to_update.status END
                  || '"}'))
 WHERE room->>'id' = to_update.room_id

For PostgreSQL, ->> always returns text, so we need to cast the rate to a number. In either case, we do not want to use this technique for user-provided data; however, in place, it allowed us to complete all of our scenarios without having to load the documents into our application and manipulate them there.

Updates in place may not need parameters (though it would be easy to foresee a “rate adjustment” feature where the 1.1 adjustment was not hard-coded); in fact, none of the samples in this section used the document libraries at all. These queries can be executed by Custom::nonQuery, though, providing parameters as required.

Using This Library for Non-Document Queries

The Custom functions can be used with non-document tables as well. This may be a convenient and consistent way to access your data, while delegating connection management to the library and its configured data source. The included ArrayMapper class will return the array from the result, and you can easily write a mapper for your classes to populate them.

Let's walk through a short example:

use PDODocument\{Custom, DocumentList};
use PDODocument\Mapper\Mapper;

// Stores metadata for a given user
class MetaData
    public string $id = '';
    public string $userId = '';
    public string $key = '';
    public string $value = '';
    // Define a static method that returns the mapper
    public static function mapper(): Mapper
        return new class implements Mapper {
            public function map(array $results): MetaData
                $it = new MetaData();
                $it->id = $results['id'];
                $it->userId = $results['userId'];
                $it->key = $results['key'];
                $it->value = $results['value'];
                return $it;

// somewhere retrieving data; type is DocumentList<MetaData>
function metaDataForUser(string $userId): DocumentList
    return Custom::list("SELECT * FROM user_metadata WHERE user_id = :userId",
        [":userId" => $userId)], MetaData::mapper());

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